Choosing a Vibrant Life by Cori Ellingson

Praise for Choosing a Vibrant Life
by Cori Ellingson

I have read your beautiful book cover to cover and have shared some bits with my students at Pacific Rim College. I felt like we were sitting down over a cup of tea. I can’t tell you how graced I felt to be in your world through the words on the page. Deep gratitude from me to you. I would delight in having you speak to my class (Toxicity of Foods). Given the heavy subject matter, you would be a ray of sunshine!

– Maureen Fontaine, Certified Darkfield Microscopist, Health & Wellness Consultant, Spiritual Intuitive & Ontological Life Coach, B. Ed, Master Herbalist, Instructor – Pacific Rim College, Victoria, BC

Cori, your beautiful book has really inspired me to make conscious choices about every aspect of life. I was so hungry for the information because I knew it had to be good. I want what you’ve got – your strength, your vitality and your clear, clean, determination to be the best you can be!

I especially liked your Ceremony to become an Elder. I’m going to encourage the women in the desert where I spend my winters to do the same. I can hardly wait!

The timing for your book is perfect for me as I endeavour to become visible in expressing my own truth!  Imagine how many people you will inspire with this awesome book! The list of friends I want to give this book to is endless so thank you, Cori, for sharing your wisdom in such a delightful way!

– Brigitte Rathje-Papadakis M.A., Victoria BC

Although I am only on about Page 30 of your book, I wanted to let you know that I am enjoying each word, reading it slowly and savouring the wisdom you are sharing.   It feels like one of these books that I don’t want to end, so I am taking my time reading.  Thank you for sharing and helping me on my journey.

– Cameron DaJey, Calgary, AB

Your book was quite a transformative read. I enjoyed it tremendously. I found it profoundly insightful, incredibly personal and truly mind shifting for me. The lessons, wisdom and knowledge are deeply personal examples and profound insights that are applicable to everyone in their life right now! A truly monumental and life altering read.

Your work, wisdom and knowledge is appreciated. Thank you,

– D. Middleton, Pine Bush, NY, USA

Choosing a Vibrant Life is the book that we’ve been waiting for. It took me on a really exciting journey … at times into completely new territory! Drawing on her own life, Cori shares methods for helping with everything from stress and ill-health to living harmoniously with nature. She shows us how to incorporate the 3 C’s of life: make a CHOICE, to take a CHANCE, or your life will never CHANGE!

Packed with wisdom and advice for any age group, Cori explains her ideas in an easily understandable way. She believes anyone can make that decision to change to a healthier lifestyle, and details easy ways to incorporate new transformative practices into our lives.

– J. Casey, Stroud, UK

I highly recommend Cori’s inspirational and informative book, as both a comprehensive guide and useful resource. She candidly shares workable methods she used to face and overcome challenges in her own life that we can easily apply. Cori’s success in embracing and experiencing a healthy, vibrant life is a testament to her dedication and application of these practices.

– J. Neste, Dawson Creek, BC. Canada

Life takes over and I sometimes forget the valuable lessons I learned from the past.  Early into this book I began to feel empowered and started to believe again, “I can do this”.  Why has it taken me so long to get back on track?   Daily affirmations, oil pulling, writing my gratitude list are only some of the daily activities I am re-committing to.  Thank you, Cori, for this reminder that thoughts create our reality. The lessons of Cori’s wisdom applied in the chapters of this marvelous book give everyone the tools to seek our dream, take control, be the author of our life. Enjoy this great book.

– R. Matthews, Cranbrook, BC Canada

We walked a similar path, with you passionately overturning the dusty stones to discover the “gold”.  Your book is a prize collection of these precious nuggets uncovered over a lifetime of persistence.  Thank you for sharing your gifts with the world!

– J. Zellers, Coupeville, WA USA

Cori’s quest to explore the mystery of life has taken her on many exhilarating uncharted paths throughout the world.  In her dedicated pursuit “to know” she has uncovered many truths which she has generously shared giving us the opportunity to truly experience Living a Vibrant Life.

– L. Ross, West Vancouver, BC Canada

This is a remarkable book with a nice blend of wisdom and helpful insights turned into simple methods one can use to increase their health and well-being. Many things resonated for me. Thank you.

– CA Colbert, Tucson, AZ USA

It’s a great piece of work with lots of wisdom…thanks for the pieces on Gene Keys. I hope they will help people. I look forward to seeing you in the future…

– R. Rudd, Devon, UK

Cori has been Choosing a Vibrant Life for the many years I have known her.  She is a leader in finding and adopting natural, holistic alternatives to mainstream-marketed health solutions.  I was delighted when she decided to write a book to collect her knowledge and experiences. I encourage readers to bring an open-mind and prepare to be amazed, as I have been.

– A.K. Lea, Calgary, AB Canada

Cori has written a beautiful masterpiece. This book is a deep treasure chest of tips and tricks to live life feeling more alive and aware of your own thoughts and choices. We all need inspiration at one time or another throughout our lives and books like this are the key that so many of us are seeking in times when personal growth and changes are needed. I recommend it to anyone of any age who is ready to take back the power that is deep within each of us. The power that allows us to fully shine as our unique selves. Enjoy!

– K. Allan, Gabriola Island, BC. Canada

A fascinating journey into Holistic health and healing and a paradigm shift on aging. The Power of Choice! We have endless options for healing and this book can be your guide.

Keep it close by.

– B. Bitner, “Sunday Stone Massage”, Campbell River, BC Canada

Vision Quest by Cori Ellingson

Praise for Vision Quest: A Spiritual Awakening
by Cori Ellingson

As with every fine narrative, the journey through “Vision Quest” leaves you wanting more. Cori Ellingson captures the imagination and the heart with this honest expose about one’s relationship with self. Bravely insightful and compelling, Cori shares candid details about her personal doubts and fears as she grapples with that well-known demon,  the “monkey-mind”. I loved every minute of it. A must read for anyone contemplating a Vision Quest.

– Sam Harwood, Kimmapii Spirit Energies, Pincher Creek, AB

Cori, thank you so much for writing this fabulous book about your Vision Quest! I see now why the mosquito is so prominently displayed on the cover. I couldn’t put it down and read it in two days–the same amount of time that you were on your quest. I loved all the connections you made and thought it was fascinating and inspiring. The ending was so very interesting. A new life path, to be sure.

– Elaine Gale, ATD Facilitator, Los Angeles, CA

Just finished reading your book. It was such a powerful book for me; could not put it down. What an account of the richness of life; all small and bigger creatures buzzing, scurrying about, singing, flying, making whooshing sounds, busying themselves purposely with their lives, communicating with you and you with them, the splendour of images in the sky, colours, tastes, the sun, the moon, your nights and days…. Thank you for including all that in your book. It felt like I was there myself when reading through the pages.

Loved your communication with mosquitoes. That was pretty neat to reach their understanding and making peace with them. There were moments I just needed to chuckle. And your trust and earnest-y, you innocence in viewing and approaching the little critters, how illuminating.

The way you weaved your narration of the Vision Quest in and out with the other events in your life and those flashbacks that were so naturally coming and leaving throughout the book, that was so well melded together, I really liked that.

I really enjoyed reading your book. Thank you for writing it. I gave me a taste of your uplifting and revealing life experience!

– Helena Kalivoda, Author of ”Awaken! Spirit is Calling,” Calgary, AB

Cori, Thanks so much for my copy of Vision Quest! I’ve just finished it and I feel as though I was there with you! I’m really looking forward to reading the sequel, “On Golden Pond”! Hugs, peace & love.

– Terri Smith, Salt Spring Island, BC

Thank you for writing and publishing your Vision Quest book. I was moved to tears near the end. What a blessing that you were so well taken care of. Thank you for reminding us about the connection of oneness with nature and all her creatures, great and small (and pesky).

– Chris Grey, Union Bay, BC

If you embrace nature and have truly seen her beauty, you will be reminded of her mysteries as you read of Cori’s experiences and lessons learned. It’s great to be reminded how we are all interlinked, great and small alike. An easy read, informative, honest and beautiful.

– Gillian Lesley, South Africa