I am re-posting this blog. One of my friends died after gall bladder surgery due to complications, and since the stones are all related (it is believed that the stones are created from toxins in the liver and they spill over into the gall bladder) we can do amazing work to heal ourselves.
Mid June of 2013, I began my first of a series of three liver cleanses. I used a kit that I ordered online. I had been aware that my liver was not happy since 1999. I saw “liver spots” popping up on my cheeks and forearms even before that. But once we returned from our trip to Asia, I had an even bigger spot appear on my cheek. Red Flag!! Some medical people call them age spots and say there is nothing we can do about them. I have never believed that and have completed liver cleanses before but none reaped such great rewards with such ease as the one I started in June.
It is a 6-day program and the first 4 days can be completed while doing regular duties at home or work as long as there is easy access to a bathroom. Days 5 and especially 6, it is recommended to stay close to home. Being quite healthy with no surgeries or diagnosed with any illnesses, I wondered how much was accumulated in my liver. On day 6 I decided to put a cheap colander over the toilet so I could see what was eliminated and it was shocking. So shocking I took pictures and began to want to share it with my friends and family. If a healthy person like me had so many, what about those who have had health challenges???
There were more than 160 large stones and hundreds of small ones that were too small to count.
I have utilized the principle of Prevention most of my life. In fact, 42 years ago, my Mom was scheduled to have her gallbladder removed and checked out a tiny health store in our town to see if there were any other options. Voila!! Not the exact cleanse I did but she definitely used the oil and lemon and she later cancelled the surgery. Never heard her complain about gallbladder pain again. That was my family’s start along a healthier way and during the 70s my family owned 5 health stores in Vancouver, BC and area.
My first cleanse released hundreds of tiny stones like mung beans and also quite a few the size of a garbanzo bean. Needless to say, I am feeling fantastic!! I cut one stone in half to see what it looked like inside and took a picture with a Canadian penny to show the size.
See the pictures below.
My second and third cleanses also reaped so many stones. The stones from the second cleanse were even larger than the first time. The extra bonus was elimination of a liver fluke at the same time. There may have been more, but I only caught two bowel movements so I will never know. There was a huge shift after the second cleanse. Cravings I previously had for bread and sweets and other unhealthy foods just disappeared. I began to truly want to eat more healthy than I ever had.
After cleanse number three, I felt on top of the world and was completely inspired to take my health and well being to a whole new level. I joined the company as an affiliate so I get a small amount of money if you are inspired to order and use the link below. Dr Group created these amazing detoxes for liver, bowel, kidneys, parasites, and heavy metals. I have tried other cleanses without the Livatrex and Oxy Powder and they also seemed to work. But there is no comparison to the effectiveness of the process Dr Group has created. I completed six cleanses over a period of three years.